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Häny AG in the press and own publications.

Alessandro Ranzoni is taking the helm as the new CEO of Häny Group

We are pleased to introduce Alessandro Ranzoni as the new CEO of the Häny Group. He succeeds Mark Nägeli, to whom we extend our sincere thanks for his dedication.

Released:Customer notification, November 2024

Hybrid Grouting - an innovative Technology

Standard grouting equipment is limited to either cement-based or organic grouting gear. This limitation has made grouting in underground construction considerably more difficult until now. However, with recent developments in grouting technology, both the cement-based, and the organic grouting technology can be utilised on a single mobile grouting platform.

Released:GeoResources Journal 3/2022

Mixed Reality at Häny

With Inspect AR by Augment IT by Netcetera and HoloLens 2 by Microsoft, we revolutionized our daily business. For our Mixing and Injection Technology department we digitalized our processes for the maintenance and the final inspection fields. Assemblers are now guided step-by-step with Mixed Reality and have all required knowledge ready to use.

Link: 10/2022

Jessica Arzner-Häny is the new owner of Häny Limited

We are delighted to inform you that the ownership of Häny Limited has changed hands successfully. Jessica Arzner-Häny has taken over Häny Limited from her father, Eduard P. Häny, who is to start his well-earned retirement after many years of service in the family-run business.


New partnership with JLM for the territory of Poland

We are pleased to announce that we have started an official cooperation with the Swiss company Häny AG, which has been offering cement mixing and injection systems for almost 90 years. The asset of Häny is not only the production in Switzerland and abroad, but also continuous product improvement, consultancy in the dimensioning of installations as well as technical support and training.

The Häny product range includes components such as colloidal mixers, agitators, injection pumps and compact grout plants for cementitious grouts. Various levels of automation are available, ranging from manual to fully automatic systems, along with state-of-the-art control technology and data logging systems for pressure and flow. Large containerized mixers, including transfer pumps for stationary use, complement the portfolio.

Häny machines are characterized by simplicity of use, easy cleaning, solid construction and extremely low maintenance and servicing costs. In addition to its own sales offices in Switzerland, the USA, Austria and Bulgaria, Häny cooperates with over 30 trade partners to provide the customer with the best access to products and service.
